About Me

My name is Jarett Freeman and I am a fitness trainer from Los Angeles, California. Originally from Portland, Oregon I moved to California almost five years ago to pursue a passion I had for fitness and training. At 27 years old with nearly a decade of experience. I have already had the incredible privilege to learn, train, and work with some of the best in the industry and many of which I now call my friends. It is a blessing being able to watch my used-to be small circle grow. I live with my girlfriend, brother, and best friend, my dog.

Like most, I first got into fitness because I wanted to look better, and eventually I did. However, the main driving factor for myself and going to the gym was not because it made me look better. It was the feeling of self-accomplishment that I received by knowing that I did this. I not only did this, I did something that was not easy and the feeling I got from that began to turn into a passion. A passion for not the way I looked but the way I felt. 

Being able to help other people go through what I did and constantly seeing positive change is now my main driving factor. I am motivated every day by the changes I push others to make and that is why by having me as your trainer you are agreeing that failure is not an option. Clients will experience physical and mental growth towards fitness. My goal is not only to push you, but make you push you. I want my clients to develop both a physical and mental passion for health and I know that doesn't happen without results. Let's take our bodies to the next level so we can grow as a whole.